Adele is a vocal powerhouse. After waiting for a few years for her to release new material, the star is back at it. Her new album 25 was much anticipated by me and basically everyone in the world. I mean is there anyone who’s not a fan of Adele? When the album started off with “Hello” I was excited, as I don’t live under a rock I had already heard the song but was anticipating what was next to come. The next track was surprisingly poppy, to me so much different from her normal sound. But it was also surprisingly good. Adele tackles a new realm with 25 while still relying heavily on her tried and true ballads, though the ones that are on this album are pretty good. I was pleasantly surprised that Adele went into a newer realm of music for herself, working with pop music people like Max Martin and Shellback. In essence, 25 is a continuation of 21, and while a good continuation, nothing new to the table. She may experiment a little on some tracks with sound but Adele’s lyrical content is much the same, and all of the songs have no lack of her belting out lyrics. And that’s great, don’t get me wrong, but I think I would have liked to see this album evolve a little more, see Adele evolve a little more. Instead it’s basically 21 2.0, with the same sad break-up songs, the same vocal abilities, and the same great pop album. 25 is tried and true for Adele, but that’s what makes her Adele. She is redefining pop music and giving it a much needed change. All in all, Adele’s 25 may not bring anything new to the table but it’s still a great listen and perhaps one of the best albums of 2015. 

TOP SONGS- Hello, Water Under The Bridge, Send My Love, I Miss You, Love In The Dark

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About zrungee

I am an 16 year old boy out of Maryland with a love for music. My blog is designed to critique albums and attempt to get people interested in some really great artists. My plan is to become a journalist- specializing in music.

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