
My name is Zach, I am located in Maryland. Music has always been a passion of mine and I occasionally write my own songs. I hope to become a journalist, specializing in music reviews. That is the purpose of this blog. My hope is that I can give viewers a general sense of an album or song and get them interested in a wide range of musical genres. I also hope that I may turn some listeners onto artists or songs they’ve never heard of. Right now my plan is every Sunday to release a review of a new album released that week, followed by 1-2 more post throughout the week, one being a single of the week where I share my currently favorite song and the second being whatever I feel like doing on the particular day I post. I hope that everyone will enjoy my blog and become more invested in music by reading the reviews. I am also always open to suggestion on new artists to listen to or albums/songs to critique so anything you guys want me to listen to just leave in the comment section on one of my posts. Thanks for stopping by!

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