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Perhaps one of the most underrated and yet one of the most successful pop stars of the industry is Kesha. Many people have come to the conclusion that Kesha is merely a sleazy, untalented, auto-tuned mess. But that is far from the truth. Kesha is one of the only pop stars who can say that their first single is one of the best selling singles of all time. She is also one of the only stars who can say she had 8 consecutive top 10 hits and have all of her singles be certified gold or platinum. Not to mention writing a book, having her own TV show and being a judge on a singing competition. Having the same amount of top 10 singles as “pop princess” Britney Spears, Kesha has made a name for herself. But did she do it on her own terms? All press coverage on Kesha since the beginning of 2014 has been her rehab stint for an eating disorder and her subsequent lawsuit against long time producer Dr. Luke. There seems to be a lot of debate as the whether her claims of sexual abuse and rape are true or not. I personally have tried to not form an opinion either way. Yes some of the claims seem a little far-fetched and there’s a lot of back and forth happening between her and Dr. Luke, but when someone pursues legal action against another person for rape, that’s nothing to take lightly. Many claim that this is a mere attempt on Kesha’s part to get out of her contract with RCA and Kemosabe Records. And while this could be the case, why should she not have the right to get out of it. It’s clear based on the filing against him that Kesha has no desire to work with Dr. Luke. Why then should she still have to follow through on a contract with him. A man who gave her little creative control over any music she produced and the man whom she claims is partly responsible for her eating disorder. Their whole court battle is a lot of he-said she-said but honestly I feel bad for Kesha. She is one of the very few pop stars I enjoy and one of my favorite singers. I think she is one of the most misunderstood and talented people in the industry, not to mention her support of animals, the LGBT community and her promotion of love. All she ever expresses is how much she wants to make music for her fans, and yet due to her contract with Luke, is unable to do that. I think this shows just how much she wants out. If Kesha wanted to continue to make generic pop songs about partying, she would have no problem staying with Luke’s label and releasing albums. BUT that isn’t her desire. However until all the legal stuff is cleared up and the contract dealt with, she’s at a standstill and can’t go on making music, the music she wants to make. No matter what opinion people have on her claims against Luke, no one can deny she desperately wants out of any dealings with the man. And if that’s true who’s to say her claims aren’t? Hopefully the legal issues can be solved soon and Kesha can go about making the music she wants to make and show the side of her that perhaps she never really was allowed to show during her time with Dr. Luke.