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Every since Christmas, I have been listening to Fleetwood Mac and only Fleetwood Mac. So when Sia’s new album came out and I took a listen, it was almost shocking to start hearing pop music sounds again. I never really followed Sia’s career, and really only knew of her when Chandelier” came out, followed by “Elastic Heart”. I liked some of the songs off of her 1000 Forms of Fear album (like “Fire Meet Gasoline, Big Girls Cry, Cellophane and Elastic Heart) but not enough for me to buy the album or really consider myself a fan. That all changed, however, when she released This Is Acting, a montage of rejects from Adele to Beyonce and everyone in between. The really cool thing about this album is that all the rejects were songs that Sia wrote and pitched to all of these artists. And they all rejected them! However, this crafty and interesting tracks find their home within Sia and her very distinctive voice and sound. She creates a wonderful pop album. The only track she wrote specifically for herself was “One Million Bullets”. Songs like “Alive” were co-written by Adele and were intended to be included on her album, 25, though I must say I prefer Sia singing this heart-wrencher than Adele. When I first heard the dance song “Move Your Body”, I instantly though it sounded like Shakira. Low and behold the song was actually intended for her. Songs like “Reaper”, a Kanye West production, and “Sweet Design” were meant for Rihanna. Other tracks, like “Unstoppable”, were meant for Poot, I mean Demi Lovato. Upon first glance at the tracks and their intended artists, one may be quick to note that these songs don’t sound like they would blend well on an album. Demi is a far cry from Rihanna and Rihanna from Adele. However, Sia allows herself to incorporated her very raspy, very unique vocals belted out over very equally unique sounds. While This Is Acting may not seem like the music Sia typically sings herself, she allows these songs to find a home on an album that is both creative and all around wonderful. A must-listen for anyone interested in pop music.

TOP SONGS- Bird Set Free, Move Your Body, One Million Bullets, Cheap Thrills, House on Fire, Summer Rain (a Target exclusive bonus track)


This is a list of what I believe to be the best albums that have been released this year. Many come from my personal favorite artists while others come from artists I was surprised by. Take a look.




This album was one of those that surprised me. I have never been a huge fan of pop music and so I never really listened to Demi Lovato. I had enjoyed some of the tracks off her 2013 album but never really was a devoted fan. When she released the lead single “Cool For The Summer”, I initially didn’t like it. However as I heard it more it grew on me and began one of my favorite summer songs. Once the second single “Confident” was released, I knew this album was going to be good. However. Confident was not the album I was expecting. With the two singles being upbeat and sexy, I figured the rest of the album would be too. However, the album was filled with ballads and showed just how much of a vocal powerhouse Demi Lovato is. Confident is a really enjoyable album and a pleasant surprise from a pop artist.

TOP SONGS- Cool For The Summer, Wildfire, Yes, Kingdom Come (minus Iggy Azalea)


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In my opinion, this album does not flow very nicely. It is not a cohesive album that has the songs all relating from start to end.Another thing I had difficulty with regarding the album was all of the interludes. However once you get the passed the interludes, the actual songs are pretty good. A lot of the tracks are, to me, very experimental and very alternative. and while the album lacks in a nice flow, the individual tracks are pretty amazing. The only song I really didn’t like was “Fear”. However this album offers really great tracks with really unique sounds, vocals and content. X Ambassadors have crafted some pretty great stuff with VHS, and while the album may not flow very nicely, it is still a great listen and a really enjoyable album.

TOP SONGS- Renegades, Jungle, Gorgeous, Loveless, B.I.G.


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This album is a nostalgic look back on music from the 80’s. WALK THE MOON matured their sound for their second major-label feat, while still sticking to the funkiness of their first album. This album brought them some pretty mainstream success with “Shut Up And Dance” being constantly overplayed. But with that aside, this album is a very enjoyable one with a nice flow from track to track. This is alternative music done right. Talking Is Hard showcases a growth in WALK THE MOON, while still being a really fun album. They use beats that sound like they come from the 80’s and use their unique lyrical skills to present a well-prepared album. “Different Colors” is a great anthem for those in the LGBT community, up there with P!nk’s “Raise Your Glass” and Kesha’s “We R Are Who We R”. All in all, Talking is Hard, is WALK THE MOONS normal craft only very heavily perfected.

TOP SONGS- Up 2 U, Spend Your $$$, Different Colors, Down In The Dumps, Avalanche, Portugal



This was the first album I ever critiqued on this blog. And it is still one of my favorites. Zella Day crafts a psychedelic world for her listeners with her very crafty lyrics and beats. She reminds me a lot of Lana Del Rey, except with more talent and a better sense of the music she’s trying to deliver. Kicker packs a punch (or a kick rather…) that leaves listeners entranced and wanting more. The album will leave you feeling like you’ve been transformed. Each song deliver quality beats and lyrics and offers a wonderfully crafted alternative/psychedelic sound. Zella Day’s debut is a very strong one and I cannot wait to see what she has to offer her listeners in the future.

TOP SONGS- Jerome, Ace of Hearts, Mustang Kids, High, Hypnotic, Shadow Preachers



I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, this album is pure perfection. A totally surprising album, Martinez takes extremely child-like themes and transforms them into very mature, dark tales. The whole album is the story of a girl named Cry Baby, and her various forms of bad luck. Whether it be no one coming to her birthday party or being kidnapped, Cry Baby can’t seem to get away from hard times. This albums content dives into abuse, kidnapping, rape, alcoholism, love and broken hearts. Cry Baby is one of the most beautifully crafted albums I think I have ever heard. Martinez’s niche is not only her unique voice but rather her unique approach to pop music and her lyrical content. This album is extremely dark, but so beautifully crafted, you can’t help but fall in love. Well done, Miss Martinez.

TOP SONGS- Mad Hatter, Soap, Mrs. Potato Head, Tag You’re It, Alphabet Boy



When I reviewed “R.I.P. 2 My Youth”, I said that I thought THE NBHD’s new album was going to be a lot more mature than their last album, and boy was I right. Wiped Out! appears to really be an album dealing with the lose of a father and going through break-ups. A lot of the lyrics are brutally honest and somewhat heartbreaking as the listener really gets to feel the pain being conveyed in the songs. With this album, THE NBHD matures their sound while sticking to the alternative sound they’re known for. But unlike their first effort, Wiped Out! is not repetitive, and shows a whole new side to the band. I was pleasantly surprised with this album and the direction the band decided to go when crafted their second album. Wiped Out! is a great album that doesn’t disappoint. A must-listen for sure.

TOP SONGS- Cry Baby, Greetings From Califournia, Ferrari, Daddy Issues, R.I.P. 2 My Youth



We’re here! The cream of the crop, the BEST album of 2015, the amazing Froot! Let me start off by saying that choosing the best album out of my top 3 was extremely hard, but the more I listened to each album, I found myself liking Froot more than the other 2 previously mentioned. Marina really comes into her own on this album, utilizing the tones and messages from her previous albums. Froot is an extremely honest album, with Marina writing all the lyrics and music to the tracks by herself. Songs like “Happy” and “Solitaire” show a side of deep sadness while songs like “Froot” and “Forget” show a more positive attitude regarding situations in life. Marina keeps consistent with her sarcastic nature of her first two albums with “Can’t Pin Me Down” and “Better Than That”, while discussing the turmoil society is currently in on her song “Savages”. The final song “Immortal” is such a beautifully sad song. There is no song on this album that I do not like. It has a great flow to it and is very cohesive with all of its parts. Marina capitalizes on her sarcasm and sadness to bring the best album of 2015. Froot delivers strong vocals and messages and proves that Marina and her fans are living la dolce vita.

TOP SONGS- Froot, Can’t Pin Me Down, Better Than That, Solitaire, Immortal

So there you have it, my top 7 albums of 2015. Hope you enjoyed each album as much as I did!


Adele is a vocal powerhouse. After waiting for a few years for her to release new material, the star is back at it. Her new album 25 was much anticipated by me and basically everyone in the world. I mean is there anyone who’s not a fan of Adele? When the album started off with “Hello” I was excited, as I don’t live under a rock I had already heard the song but was anticipating what was next to come. The next track was surprisingly poppy, to me so much different from her normal sound. But it was also surprisingly good. Adele tackles a new realm with 25 while still relying heavily on her tried and true ballads, though the ones that are on this album are pretty good. I was pleasantly surprised that Adele went into a newer realm of music for herself, working with pop music people like Max Martin and Shellback. In essence, 25 is a continuation of 21, and while a good continuation, nothing new to the table. She may experiment a little on some tracks with sound but Adele’s lyrical content is much the same, and all of the songs have no lack of her belting out lyrics. And that’s great, don’t get me wrong, but I think I would have liked to see this album evolve a little more, see Adele evolve a little more. Instead it’s basically 21 2.0, with the same sad break-up songs, the same vocal abilities, and the same great pop album. 25 is tried and true for Adele, but that’s what makes her Adele. She is redefining pop music and giving it a much needed change. All in all, Adele’s 25 may not bring anything new to the table but it’s still a great listen and perhaps one of the best albums of 2015. 

TOP SONGS- Hello, Water Under The Bridge, Send My Love, I Miss You, Love In The Dark



Perhaps one of the most underrated and yet one of the most successful pop stars of the industry is Kesha. Many people have come to the conclusion that Kesha is merely a sleazy, untalented, auto-tuned mess. But that is far from the truth. Kesha is one of the only pop stars who can say that their first single is one of the best selling singles of all time. She is also one of the only stars who can say she had 8 consecutive top 10 hits and have all of her singles be certified gold or platinum. Not to mention writing a book, having her own TV show and being a judge on a singing competition. Having the same amount of top 10 singles as “pop princess” Britney Spears, Kesha has made a name for herself. But did she do it on her own terms? All press coverage on Kesha since the beginning of 2014 has been her rehab stint for an eating disorder and her subsequent lawsuit against long time producer Dr. Luke. There seems to be a lot of debate as the whether her claims of sexual abuse and rape are true or not. I personally have tried to not form an opinion either way. Yes some of the claims seem a little far-fetched and there’s a lot of back and forth happening between her and Dr. Luke, but when someone pursues legal action against another person for rape, that’s nothing to take lightly. Many claim that this is a mere attempt on Kesha’s part to get out of her contract with RCA and Kemosabe Records. And while this could be the case, why should she not have the right to get out of it. It’s clear based on the filing against him that Kesha has no desire to work with Dr. Luke. Why then should she still have to follow through on a contract with him. A man who gave her little creative control over any music she produced and the man whom she claims is partly responsible for her eating disorder. Their whole court battle is a lot of he-said she-said but honestly I feel bad for Kesha. She is one of the very few pop stars I enjoy and one of my favorite singers. I think she is one of the most misunderstood and talented people in the industry, not to mention her support of animals, the LGBT community and her promotion of love. All she ever expresses is how much she wants to make music for her fans, and yet due to her contract with Luke, is unable to do that. I think this shows just how much she wants out. If Kesha wanted to continue to make generic pop songs about partying, she would have no problem staying with Luke’s label and releasing albums. BUT that isn’t her desire. However until all the legal stuff is cleared up and the contract dealt with, she’s at a standstill and can’t go on making music, the music she wants to make. No matter what opinion people have on her claims against Luke, no one can deny she desperately wants out of any dealings with the man. And if that’s true who’s to say her claims aren’t? Hopefully the legal issues can be solved soon and Kesha can go about making the music she wants to make and show the side of her that perhaps she never really was allowed to show during her time with Dr. Luke.


  I decided to group these two songs together since they were released within a week of each other and both come from former Disney stars. Now previous I preferred Selena Gomez’s “Good For You” over Demi’s “Cool For The Summer”. But as both songs became more popular and hearing them more, Demi’s grew on me while Selena’s became annoying. Now they are being compared again. In my personal opinion, Demi’s new single is much better than Selena’s. First off, Selena’s single doesn’t even sound like her voice and Charli XCX is a littler too strong in her background vocals. Not to mention Selena didn’t contribute to the writing of the song. There’s no strong vocal delivering or big drop in the beat- just a pretty monotone voice and same beat over and over. Now Demi on the other hand delivers great vocals and sassiness which fits the bill for her whole confident concept. It’s interesting to compare former Disney stars and their songs, and while I’ve never really liked pop music, I’ve always preferred Demi. Comparing this two tracks I now have more confidence(no pun intended) for Demi’s album than I do for Selena’s. It’ll be interesting to see what more the albums deliver. 


Let me start off by saying I have never been a fan of Maroon 5(sorry to all their fans out there). But as their new single “Feelings” came onto my iTunes Radio I felt like the band had hit a new low. I feel like every new album they release is just produced to feed Adam Levine’s ever-growing ego. Maybe the band shouldn’t even be called Maroon 5, Adam Levine seems to be the only one gaining any attention from it. Can someone name the other people in the band without Googling it? I can’t. But Adam’s popularity is besides the point. If you like their music that’s fine, I’m not here to say anyone has poor music taste, people like what they like and that’s fine. But for someone like me who’s never been a fan of pop music this is just another stereotypical pop track with some catchy, meaningless lyrics that may get stuck in your head. Add Adam Levine’s extremely high-pitched vocals into the mix and you’ve got what makes every Maroon 5 song exactly the same. I mean how many times can you continue to sing about having feelings for your ex, or about how her new lover can’t please her like you can until people get tired of it? Not to mention the dimwitted, vulgar lyrics like “going so high, we f*ck the sky”. Not to offend anyone that likes Maroon 5 or their songs but for me “Feelings” is just another run-of-the-mill pop song from a band who can only seem to sing about the same things.


  It seems that time of year where a lot of pop artists realease new singles intended to be the “song of the summer”. Selena Gomez just recently did it and now Demi Lovato follows hot on her trail. But unlike Gomez’s sexy new single there’s something missing from Demi’s. I’ve never been a fan but I admit this girl has talent. Which begs the question as to why she would make a song so cliche and with lyrics so childish. Upon first listen I instantly thought this song was about having a fling with another girl and still think that to this day. The beats for the track are great, which is why it’s sad Demi decided to use clichéd lyrics and vocal ranges for them. “Got my mind on your body and your body on my mind” is just an example of the simplicity. And yet it took about 5 people to write this song. I don’t have a doubt that this song will perform well simply because Demi is a big name artist but I wonder how many will be pleased with this 8th grade girl crush track. 


  Let me start out by saying I’m not one for pop music. I find it generic and just reusing the same beats over and over. With that said I was pleasantly surprised with Selena Gomez’s new song “Good For You”. The song has a great R&B feel to it and quite frankly her voice is pretty seductive. I’ve never been a fan of hers but I do really like this song. It doesn’t remind me of a lot of pop songs, even though the lyrical content is pretty much the same. Rapper A$AP Rocky delivers a nice verse that isn’t coated in the hardcoreness most raps are these days. All in all for a pop song it’s a pretty good listen and while I don’t like Selena’s music if she keeps producing stuff like this, I may just have to buy her next album. 



My song of the week is a bit of a throwback, this song was released a little over a year ago- but I’ve been hooked on it all week. “I Wanna Get Better’ comes from indie-pop/rock Bleachers(a.k.a. Jack Antonoff from the successful band fun.) and is on his debut album Strange Desire which is filled with tracks resembling the 80’s, however “I Wanna Get Better” is my favorite off of the album. Bleachers has a style similar to that of David Bowie and as mentioned brings about an 80’s vibe. The album even features Yoko Ono. The fast-paced song may leave listeners wanting to dance but the lyrics are much deeper than they first appear. Lines such as “I didn’t know I was broken til I wanted to change” and “I put a bullet where I should have put a helmet” makes it clear that this guy really does wanna get better. While the lyrics are satisfying enough I do find myself jamming out the sick beats of the track on my way to school or while in the shower. “I Wanna Get Better” is an infectious, catchy tune that you can’t help but like. If you have never listened to or heard of Bleachers I advise you to take a listen, he won’t disappoint.